We value your privacy
為了提供更好的服務及體驗,我們的網站使用多種追蹤技術,例如cookies.若您同意我們納入您的偏好設定,請您點擊"我同意".您可以隨時撤回您的授權.更多關於cookies以及個人化設定的資訊,請詳閱[link:settings]檔案設定[/link:settings]以及我們的 [link:privacy]隱私政策[/link:privacy].點擊這裡可以查看我們的[link:imprint]版權說明[/link:imprint].
Privacy settings
Like most websites, we use cookies to store information. To deliver a responsive service we use cookies to store information about you, your preferences and your device. You can decide how to manage your cookies and which ones you want to accept. For more information please see our privacy policy. Please note, that depending on your settings and preferences some functions may not be available. You can find more information in our Privacy Policy.
Strictly necessary Cookies
These cookies are absolutely necessary for the website to function; they cannot be deactivated, they store such information as your privacy settings and login information.
You can change your browser settings to block them or to notify you whenever these type of cookies are being used. However, our service cannot be used without the use of these necessary cookies, saving your privacy settings or logging into the website is not possible without storing this information.
You can change your browser settings to block them or to notify you whenever these type of cookies are being used. However, our service cannot be used without the use of these necessary cookies, saving your privacy settings or logging into the website is not possible without storing this information.
Analytical Cookies
With the help of these cookies, we can monitor visitors, review which offers are most used and we, therefore, understand customer preferences better. We use this information to continuously improve the quality of our website and to give you the best user experience possible. They assist us with gathering information about which features are the most popular so that we can continue to revise our service quickly. This helps us to develop content that suits your interests.
Performance Cookies
These cookies are used to monitor traffic sources to ensure a balanced ratio of customers, this also means we can provide the best user experience when using our service. We also use this information to identify any customers who may violate our policies or have fraudulent intentions to prevent them from using our website, for the benefit of all of our other users. For users who came to our site via advertising partners, information can be shared between us so that we can optimise traffic sources and visitor flows for our advertising partners as well.
Marketing Cookies
These cookies are used to adapt advertisements for your personal interests and to make them relevant to you, but to also provide variety. For this purpose, we and our advertising partners set cookies to receive information about your interaction with advertising content. Any adverts you see can, therefore, be adapted to your interests and also enables us to reduce the same advert being shown. It enables us and our advertising partners to monitor the performance of specific adverts and how many people click them. Cookies may be used by our partners to combine information from other sources to show relevant advertisements on other websites that you visit too. If you do not allow these cookies, the advertisements shown to you may be less relevant to you and your interests.
Social Media Cookies
These cookies are used to integrate social media plug-ins to our site to be able to offer you additional functionalities. As part of this embedding, information can be passed to our social media partners. If you do not accept these cookies, you will not be able to use any or some of the associated functions.